Here at CFI, we’ve been working with components of all kinds for over three decades, including threaded inserts. Typically, inserts are made from brass, due to the material’s versatility thanks to its position in the material science Goldilocks zone of relative strength, cost, corrosion resistance, machinability, thermal conductivity, and lack
Why Threaded Inserts may be the answer for your injection molding application
In our previous blog, we covered the basics of threaded inserts and more specifically, brass inserts. However, we only touched upon their use in injection molding applications. As we said in our previous blog, injection molding goes hand-in-hand with brass inserts because inserts offer a strengthened connection between plastics and
Plastics quickly making their way into automotive engine bays
Over the past decade, plastics and forms of nylon are quickly replacing their ferrous counterparts as the material of choice under the hood of cars and trucks all over the world. How can this be? Conventional wisdom would tell you that the high temperature and high stress environment of an